Overview of changes in environmental legislation
Overview of changes in environmental legislation due to entry into force of the federal law on June 29, 2015 № 203 -FZ " On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Invalidating Certain Provisions of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation " and other regulations.
Topical issues of standardization in the field of waste management
Use of " Guidelines for drafting standards for waste and limits on their placement" approved by order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources on August 5, 2014 № 349
Licensing procedure
The licensing procedure on collection, transportation, processing recycling , disposal of danger class 1-4 waste, taking into account the amendments of the Federal Law number 203 as of 29 June 2015. |
Procedure for calculating charges for negative impact on the environment
At the end of the reporting period calculation of charges is filled for negative impact on the environment and is then sent to territorial Rosprirodnadzor.
Forms of payment are approved by order of Federal Service for Ecological , Technological and Nuclear Supervision as of April 5, 2007 № 204 (as amended on 27.03.2008 № 182 ) "On approval of the calculation of payment for negative impact on the environment and order of completion and submission methods of payment."
Regulatory boards for the calculation of charges established by Resolution of the Russian Government dated 12 June 2003 № 344 (in red. Government Decree of 01.07.2005 № 410 from 08.01.2009 № 7 from 30.04.2013 № 393 ) .
The calculation must be submitted in a single copy to RPN authorities no later than the 20th day of the month following the expiration of the reporting period (quarterly).
Failure to provide the calculation does not relieve user of natural resources from having to pay.
Coefficient taking into account inflation, are approved by the Federal Law on the Federal Budget.
Coefficient taking into account inflation, to the standards of payment for negative impact on the environment
Year |
Standart payment, set |
в 2003 г. |
в 2005 г. |
2012 |
2,05 |
1,67 |
2013 |
2,20 |
1,79 |
2014 |
2,33 |
1,89 |
2015* |
2,45 |
1,98 |
* Coefficents for standards payment for 2015 are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 19, 2014 № 1219
RTN order of 08.06.2006 № 557 ( Justice Ministry Reg . № 8077 17.07.2006 ) set terms of payment for negative impact on the environment - not later than the 20th day of the month following the reporting period (quarterly).
Classification of waste danger class
Classification of waste I-IV classes of danger to a particular class of danger according to the degree of negative impact on the environment. Clarification on the implementation of the classification of waste to confirm the specific hazard class and certification of waste I - IV danger class.
Rationing in terms of air protection
Requirements of supervisory authorities in organization of production control during the inspection - oversight activities
Analytical control of air. Monitoring plan of MPE
Topical issues in the field of waste management. Certification of danger class I-IV waste.
Monitoring of objects with negative impact on the environment within organization of production control. Analytical control of soil and waste.